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Signs You Need to Change Your Flossing Technique

Posted on 10/19/2020 by John Black
Signs You Need to Change Your Flossing TechniqueIn an ideal oral hygiene routine, flossing works with tooth brushing to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Flossing regularly and correctly removes plaque and food debris to minimize potential hazards to your dental health. However, if done incorrectly, flossing can be detrimental to your mouth. Flossing too roughly can open the door to gingivitis and even gum disease. Gum disease is a menace that can result in the loss of teeth. Here are a few signs you need to change the way you floss your teeth.

Gum Disease

If you are experiencing bleeding and/or inflamed gums during or after flossing your teeth, chances are, you need to change the way you do it. Flossing should be done once a day and be an easy, painless process. If you floss too hard, you can catch the floss on your gums and cause soreness and bleeding. Your gums may become inflamed and even bleed. If this is the case, try flossing more slowly and gently, making sure to not dig or catch floss in your gums.

Gum Recession

If you notice that your gums are beginning to recede or pull back from the roots of your teeth, your flossing technique may be to blame. If you floss too quickly or roughly, the floss can get caught on and pull your gums away from your teeth. This can help harmful bacteria breed, potentially causing gingivitis or gum disease. If you notice your gums receding away from your teeth, try to adjust your flossing technique. Flossing should be done gently and only to remove plaque and food particles, not dig into your gums.

If you notice either of these symptoms, your flossing technique may be to blame. To get an accurate diagnosis, please call us to set up an appointment.
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