As you age, the tooth enamel develops little scratches and cracks that predispose it to dental stains. To prevent your tooth from staining, you need to watch your diet. Foods and drinks that stain teeth are rich in chromogens and tannins, giving them their dark color. Red wine, coffee, and tea are examples of beverages rich in these compounds. These beverages are also acidic and harmful to the enamel. Therefore, while there is a tendency to avoid colored drinks to prevent dental stains, replacing them with energy drinks and white wine will not do your teeth any good either, given their acidity. Instead, good oral hygiene is what you need to keep your mouth healthy.
Clear Drinks Still Contain Acid
Clear beverages can cause dental stains. If you drink clear soda, your tongue and teeth may not have visible stains like when taking colored soda. However, over time, your teeth will become dull. Clear soda contains acids that slowly dissolve your tooth enamel, exposing it to other dental stains. White wine lacks tannins but is very acidic and will cause dental stains over time.
Clear Drinks Have High Sugar Content
Clear drinks such as soda and energy drinks have high sugar levels. When you consume these drinks, the sugars act as food for harmful bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria then release acids that wear out your teeth enamel and exposes teeth to dental stains. To prevent dental stains from clear drinks, you should rinse your mouth with water after consumption to flush out the sugars and acids. You should also brush your teeth regularly to reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth and keep your enamel healthy and resistant to stains. Replacing these drinks with healthy options or minimizing their consumption will also help prevent dental stains. For more inquiries on how you can keep your teeth free from stains, contact our office today.
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